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                        WE VALUE PEOPLE.

                        We believe people matter to God and ought to matter to the church. 

                        We expect every Watermarker to intentionally build relationships with both believers and                                unbelievers so as to build a robust community of disciples.




                        WE VALUE TEACHING.

                        We believe the exegetical study and application of the Scriptures builds strong Christian                                  disciples. We expect every Watermarker to make every effort to hear the preaching and                                    teaching of God's Word at Watermark as well as study their own Bibles at home on a

                        regular basis.



                        WE VALUE EXCELLENCE.

                        We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people. 

                        We expect every Watermarker to intentionally give their best effort, not to earn God's grace,                            but to reflect it.



For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
(1 Corinthians 2:2)

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